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  • Location
    Miami, FL
  • Office Timing
    SUN - FRI 8:00 - 22:00
  • Toll Free
    305 592 3480

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General Asphalt has two manufacturing facilities dedicated to the production of hot mix, warm mix, and cold patch mix. Our East Dade facility, is located at 4850 N.W. 72 Ave, in Miami, Florida.

This facility is a batch/drum combo plant that can manufacture approximately 200 tons of asphalt per hour. The facility also crushes milled asphalt and recycles the material by utilizing it as a component in some of the asphalt mixes.This facility provides retail asphalt sales to paving companies, contractors, and local municipalities. The 4 storage silos provides the Company flexibility to pre-manufacture customer requested asphalt mix for the following day, so our customers can efficiently utilize their hauling fleet.


Our West Dade site is located at 17200 N.W. 122 Ave also in Miami, FL. This facicility is a drum mix plant with a production capacity of approximately 300 tons per hour. The Company’s investment in two separate facilities creates manufacturing redundancy in order to minimize any interruption in the flow of asphalt required meet our client’s paving schedule.